
best blogger tipsGet Flower Effect


Friday, 11 November 2011


Masing-masing diam
Tutup mata
Pekakkan telinga
Buat tak tahu
Buat hal sendiri
Cuba lupakan setiap luka kata
Kadang cuba untuk bergurau
Bangkitkan suasana
Tapi masalah baru y muncul

Masing-masing diam lagi
Tak mahu lagi terluka
hati menangis dalam diam
Tiada maaf diucap
Tiada kata terucap
Kerana kasih dipendam
Tak mahu makin jauh
Takut tersalah kata lagi
Lalu semua….Terus diam
Pendam cinta dalam hati



there is a boy living alone in his little apartment
where his mom abandon him
he live quietly by himself
he go to a high school and become a very silent boy
one day  a girl approach him
she said she is also an orphan like him
she always follow him everywhere he goes
she makes joke every day, so the boy won’t be sad anymore
time by time, they become best friend
spending every single time together
together they grow
together they feel something,
but no one ever said something
the boy who now has become a man
he has cancer like his father
the reason why his mom left him
the reason why he not being able to say his feeling to her, the girl who now has become a woman
because he know someday he will left the world earlier
day by day, his condition become worse
one day, he faints beside the woman he love
when the woman ask, he said he just tired
one day she follow the man to the hospital
she heard that the man he love is so sick 
thinking how much pain he had to bear alone
thinking that the man gonna leave the world soon
she cry alone in the corner, feeling so sad
the next day, she ask the man
is he has anything to confess to her
anything like any secret he never told her
the man undoubtedly said 'i like you, you are my best friend'
then the woman said 'well, i like you too'
'hmm..if..if you die, do you have any wish ?'
the man said 'i want you to marry to a very good man..'
they smile to each other by crying so much pain in their heart 
the woman then find a good man
without loving him, she decide to marry him
just to make the wish the man she love come true
when she try the wedding gown,
she ask the man he love to accompany her
they get a picture together
suddenly, the man runs outside and crying hardly in the rain,
he shout loudly for the pain he felt inside,
but nothing gonna change....
the woman cry so much in her wedding gown while holding to the picture
on the marriage day
the man he love wearing tuxedo and she wears a white wedding dress
he take her hand and walk her through the bride's door
that day the woman smile brightly
on this day, she feel so happy for being with him
then, the man give her hand to the man she marry
after the ceremony, the man die of cancer at home holding her picture in his hand
the woman who then know the reality,
then just walk away from the man she marry
while looking at the picture they take together
she had been crush by truck on the road
together they left the world....

-the end~

credit to: movie 'A Story Sadder Than Sadness'

Thursday, 27 October 2011



I have a pair of big beautiful feather wings. And now I’m sitting on cloud. Thinking how I can fly down there where sky is not wide and clear anymore. There are tower, tall building, planes, hot balloon, etc everywhere. The air I breathe feels smoky and dusky. There is a moment when I out of breathe while flying for a very long time through sea pacific, I fall into the water. My feathers become wet and heavy. I can’t fly anymore. All I can do is  gasping for air, trying to survive at the center of the sea where no one knows, hear me shouting for help. I open my wide wings to balance my body. Then I just lay on the sea bed, waiting the time I could reach any shore or maybe Captain Jack Sparrow and his fellow on the Black Pearl ship could found me. It must be fun having him beside, so then I can laugh every day for his stupid jokes when everyone else think it so tricky and sticky. If I’m destined to sink into the sea, I plan to find SpongeBob. Maybe he is kind enough to give me a place to sleep and find me a job at Crabby Patty restaurant. I close my eyes thinking any situation that could happen to me. Any happy possibility that going to make me smile, despite this bad thing that just happen to me. I smile, enjoying every second of my life that might left. I fall in a very deep sleep on the sea bed on this windy cloudy day. Dreaming of me laughing happily while flying high in the sky with Peterpan and his friends through sweet pinky cloud like cotton candy. 

Monday, 22 August 2011


Percampuran antara realiti & ilusi
       …….mimpi & igauan
Apa lagi erti kebetulan kalau bukan suratan

Lidya/Dya- seorang gadis buta…
Tak pernah mengalah..tak pernah mengeluh…
Dia percaya segala takdir yang tersurat dalam hidupnya punya maksud tersirat.

Ikmal/Mel- lelaki yang punya segala tapi lupa pada asal usulnya, suratan takdirnya…
hanya seorang manusia biasa yang terlupa……terleka..dengan tipu daya dunia.      



Hutan jingga, kembali tenang…
Bunyi teriak-teriak monyet makin hilang. Angin yang tadinya laju, kini sepoi-sepoi bahasa. Bunyi unggas jelas kedengaran tatkala malam bertukar tenang. 
Sebentar tadi, Lidya baru sahaja berhadapan dengan satu situasi yang tak tercapai dek akal manusia.
1 jam sebelum…
Kelihatan rumpunan buluh-buluh liar tumbuh rapat membentuk pagar-pagar tinggi mengelilingi satu kawasan rata berumput hijau seluas padang bola. Kawasan itu sepertinya taman yang hanya wujud di alam mimpi, terlalu indah untuk digambarkan dengan kata-kata. Di taman tumbuh pelbagai jenis fauna yang unik dan berwarna-warni. Di tengah-tengah taman pula, terbentang sebuah kolam kecil beserta air pancutan di tengah. Di pinggiran tasik pula, tumbuh dua pohon sakura rendang. Di situ, seorang gadis muda sedang enak tidur di atas buaian jaring yang setiap hujungnya diikat kuat pada kedua belah dahan pohon sakura. Sesekali daun-daun sakura gugur di atasnya. Batang-batang buluh yang bergesel setiap kali angin bertiup, menghasilkan irama seruling senada. Seekor burung tiong putih yang sedang hinggap di atas pohon bersiul sendiri seolah-olah berpuisi. Alunan merdu terhasil. Lidya tersedar dari tidur lenanya apabila sehelai daun sakura jatuh tepat di atas kelopak matanya. Dia terkebil-kebil, kelu sendiri. Pelik dengan suasana yang begitu asing. Apatah lagi, dia lengkap berpakaian indah serba-serbi biru muda persis seorang puteri khayalan. Di atas kepalanya, elok tersisip selendang tebal lembut menutupi rambut, leher dan dadanya. Sejak dilahirkan ke dunia, sudah 21 tahun Lidya tidak pernah melihat dunia. Walaupun dilahirkan buta, anak kacukan Belanda-Melayu ini tak pernah kesal. Dia bertuah kerana lahir dalam keluarga yang begitu menyayanginya dan memberi cukup didikan agama. Dalam kekeliruan itu, Lidya keluar dari buaian dan berdiri di atas rumput dengan berkaki ayam. Menikmati pemandangan pertama paling indah dalam hidupnya. “Subhanallah… Maha Suci Allah yang telah menjadikan alam seindah ini. ” Seperti anak kecil, Lidya menyanyi gembira melompat ke sana dan ke mari. Dia tak kisah semua ini hanya mimpi atau ilusi semata. Sesaat di sini tak pernah wujud dalam kamus hidupnya. Dia duduk di pinggiran kolam sambil tersenyum melihat bayangan wajahnya. Kagum dengan kecantikannya sendiri, terbit sedikit perasaan angkuh di hati. “Ya Allah..apa yang aku fikirkan ni?! Sesungguhnya ada sebab Tuhan menjadikan aku buta, ” fikir Lidya. Sambil tersenyum, dia berpaling ke arah dua pohon sakura tadi.       
 Terkejut Lidya apabila menyedari terdapat bayangan seorang lelaki gagah berdiri tak jauh di hadapannya. Mereka memandang sesama sendiri tak kelip mata. Masing-masing kaku. Lidya yang ketika itu masih keliru cuba mencari paksi ilusi. Apa benar situasi yang sedang dilaluinya sekarang? Apa mungkin ini bukan hanya semata mimpinya sendiri? Siapa lelaki itu? Dalam tidak sedar, lelaki itu sudah berjalan ke arahnya secara perlahan-lahan. Susuk tubuhnya yang tegap, tinggi, berkulit kuning langsat, bertaring di sebelah kiri bibirnya, berbaju kulit haiwan, bertopeng seperti zorro abad ke-15, memegang parang panjang di tangan kiri dan parut panjang di lengan kanannya menggambarkan perwatakan bengisnya. Semakin dia menghampiri, Lidya terhidu bau tengik yang semakin kuat. Lidya cuak. Dia cuba berdiri. Satu-persatu langkah diatur dengan berundur, dan kemudiannya dia berpaling ke hadapan dan terus berlari. Dengan suara garau dia berteriak, “Dya!! Tunggu….ni aku la!” Lidya semakin keliru. “Dia kenal dengan aku? Tak mungkin…” 



this story contains a lot of grammar error and had been write without any consent about writers life or anybody alive or died. if you think you can handle a cheeky, loving, unmatured story...u can continue to roll down through this page. If u hate so... juzz do what ever u want laa...and please do comment.(correct my grammar, k * ^_^*)
                                                                                                                ~love for readers~muahhh!<3<3

The girl...

she is a girl with a thought...''juz get along with life''....

That girl is in her 20's...she's silly..annoying...cool..sleepy..uppps! haha..
what can i say....she's totally mad!!
The boy

he is cool...handsome.. clever..but then..-_-*
hopeless..why?? cuz he's annoying!!
saying here and there,''why do people always like me? cuz im born with it...haha''^_^..

''seems like it was yesterday when i saw your face..'' -Hurt, Christina Aguilera


---January 21, 2011, Friday

At library..
  Wearing a brown baju kurung and a creamy coloured scarf.. Ignoring all people there, she walk in, bringing a blue Economy books and a pen..She sit on the table at the corner of the library's second floor. then she will look around the library to confirm 'line is clear'.....
Like always,firsly..she'll wears the earphone, arrange the pens & books on table, put out the sandals, put both of her legs on the chair..just then she will focus on her study.
 On that early of morning, the library's second floor will always be silent and just a bunch of student gonna go there to study. For this girl, she like this kind of feeling...you know... imagine.. in this silent air-corned library, you sit alone, listening to music & lose in it,sit there comfortably & study..it just feel like ''AH! this world is mine!'' yeah! that kind of feeling!
(feel lose in my own thought..when imagine about it)HAHAHAHAHAH.......>_<''


  A bunch of boy students wearing brown uniform with T shirt underneath..seems just step on the library's second floor.
They head to the table behind the girl. She who's kind is losing into the musie herself is singing the song's lyric within
her mouth happily without noticing the boys behind her are laughfing histerically!!...hhaha..what a shame!

 One of the boy make a silent sign to his friends. He slowly walk to the side of the girl's table and jump in front of her with an annoying face...''WOW! PERFECT! you should try american Idol!'',the boy..then laugfing and clapping along with his friends who seems had keep their life's laugh just for Today's Special Event.

                                                             ''its all about us...its all about us'',-Tatu.All about us.

 The girl turn down her head. She keeps silent till they stop laughfing.The boy slowly walking backward to his friends. All of them worried if the girl cry or gonna scream...then.
In that silent,when all attention is just on her..she stand and turn over her looks to the boys with a smirky face, then smiling...she said...
  ''thank you2x...i know im too good..but dont praise me over the TOP lahh..im a beginner.but please vote me!''
she bow to them and give them a wink and a peace.

  All of them ~~O_0'' uhhh....what a girl!!??*

Then the girl close her act... she then take all stuffs and takes her steps out from library.She headed straight to an empty class in campus block.

''AHHHHHHHHHHH!@!!! What the heck just happen to me??! d0o am i suppose to respond to that?! why?!3x!!
    did it just happen to me? what am i? an american idol.....!!! what???AAAAArrghhhhh!!!''

                                  end of CHAPTER 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


---January 30, 2011, Sunday

  Considering the black event..that girl had not gone to library for about a week. She dont even walk passing the library. But for today, for once again...she goes to library. Now, she choose a different study spot. She sit at the table provided for one person only. ''Hopefully I wont meet that boy ever again!'',she thought. Like always...she will hear music while studying & ocasionally will lose herself in it.hahahah...


One hour later, she close her book,slow down the volume of music, put her head down on table & close her eyes....zzzZZZZZ~~

                                           ''calling me out...she's the one'',-Robbie William.She's The One
For about 15 minutes later....
  That boy come to the library with his friends to prepare for his biology test on the next day, but he prefer to study alone for that day. So, he brings himself to the table beside that girl unknowing she's the past singing girl. When he sit there, he realize the girl beside her is sleping soundly while both of her legs are on the chair. He smile by himself....(o_,0 )*,but then he thought he know that face. It is so familiar...no one could ever forget that face after her act that day. He laugh as he covering his mouth... thinking ''how lucky am i today!''

  Then he looks at that face through the glass barrier between their tables.. That face slowly smiling cutely at him. That situation sounds creepy, but he is also smiling. Although she's the one who's sleep, but he's the one who's dreaming. Suddenly,he feels breathless...his heart beat hardly, time seems stop, everybody freeze,his eyes just could not stop staring at her...
in his eyes.. she look so beautiful when falling in the deep sleep,like a sleeping princess.
Like had been hypnotized.. slowly his hand moves to touch that pretty face, unluckily the glass between them stops him...in the same time,the princess seems awake from her sleep.

   She opens her eyes lazily, stretching her arms, and look at the round clock on the wall..showing its already 11a.m. Realizing she had sleep for a half an hour, she starts opening her books again. But then she feels something weird. Somebody was watching her till
 now....who?? That girl looks at her right side..nobody there. and at her left side, there is a pair of eyes staring at her sharply...she quickly turns over his face to the other side. ''That's creepy!''she thought... For a while she thinks...what is the reason for her to be at that kind of weird situation? ''Did I snore in my sleep...hmmm. but I never did before..so why?''. For the second time she look at her left. That boy is gone...''am I day dreaming??, did I still in my sleep?''.. She continue her study and left the question by itself.....but then she still wonder..........hmmm...

                                             end of chapter 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

''if i dont say the word..how would you hear what inside my heart....
           how would you know that..the way that i feel.....''
                                              -Ronan Keating,If I dont Tell You Now.


---Februry 1,2011,Tuesday

  That boy live in a rent banglow for 20 people worth RM2000 per month. He go to class by his Black Minicooper which was his dad's present for achiving10A's in SPM. He is a worthy friend for being a very helpful hand in study & understanding....
..but not a worthy man for a woman,cause he's so arrogant in front of them. He keeps thinking woman are just so weak and difficult to handled. So, he had never wish for getting falls in love..and in the mean time he always hating his friends' girlfriends which always call them at the middle of night just to talk nonsence about small things happens,threat for a break-up
just to win a fight,sulking for not calling, shouting abuse words as they mad for jealousy....''such a burden to carry...uhh!!''he thought. There was once a girl declare her love to him..he then said''Thanks...but no thanks''. He give a smirky face and just walk over.
The girl was so shocked. Her tears keeps flowing down not for not being love back..but for being shamed as that boy said that in front of her friends in the middle of the road. What an unlucky girl...''=_='*

Now things seems change.Its almost 2 hours since that boy try to sleep. His mind is still thinking about the day his heart first fluttered.

     That girl has been awaked from her sleep, but his eyes still on her.''What a beautiful creature God has created...'' Today he is the luckiest man on the world for being able to realize that. She looked like as looking for something.Suddenly, she turn over to that boy side. That boy looks at her with a round looking eyes with a very wide smile. As the girl turn over to the other side..realizing he is in a very odd situation..he quickly stand up and brought all his stuff to his friends's table behind him. He act as nothing happened.He opened the biology book but his eyes stared at that girl. He put his hand on his chest...he felt like had been a heart attacked as both of them looked at each other just for a second.

  Its already the second night...like yesterday. He just keep turn over & over on his bed for not being able to sleep..till ....his friend madly kick him off the bed hardly..

            ''Ouch!...hey!!what are you trying to....hmmm...he must be dreaming again..urghh~~..'' -_-*

That boy try to stand up. His head feels so much in pain for knocking the table beside the king size bed. He then go to the front space and sit on sofa..He switch on the television.''Nothing worth to watch..hmm..''. Since he saw that girl, his body feels different. There's something wrong.For the first time in his life, he has hard time to sleep, eating something which he really2 dont like..CHOCOLATE.., watch korean drama just to feel so in love,study..but then on questions paper..he try to draw a girl potret..which seems so like someone.. and now... his body seems cant be balanced anymore as he stand up, his view becomes darker, there are stars as he look up, and his head feels so heavy and wet..''is this what it feels when somebody falls in love?''he ask that to his friend who seems is runningtoward him as he nearly faint and fall over ..''Are you crazy! You're bleeding stupid!!!''..That's the last word he heard that night. He faint with a big wide smile........hahahahahahaaaa.(writer just cant stop laughfing>o<*).

                             ''I dont need too much...just somebody to love''-Justin Bieber,Somebody to Love  

                                   end of chapter 3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tuesday, 16 August 2011


senyum, tangis, ketawa, marah, merajuk...
persoalan perasaan yang sukar diungkai

senyum mungkin bukan tanda gembira...cuma riak muka tahan marah.

tangisan mungkin kerana terlalu rindu.

ketawa kerana malu...

orang kata marah pulak...tanda sayang? mungkin...
rajuk, alasan mahu pergi kerana bosan..bukan marah.

perasaan yang bersebab atas perasaan...
kenyataan yang memungkinkan perselisihan faham
perasaan yang sukar sekali difahami..bukan?
keliru kerana perasaan 
perasaan yang haru biru
y kalut kerana perasaan yang celaru...

Wednesday, 27 July 2011


alangkah indah, jika dianugerah cinta yang bersatu keranaNYA..~

  bukan kerana harta, rupa, nafsu,
  bukan kerana cinta hati manusia, sayang manusia, 
  yg sementara..

tapi cinta kerana imannya, sifat hatinya, pegangannya... 
kerana DIA sudah berbisik itulah jodohmu. 


senyumnya dia bila lihat aku sambut tangannya tinggalkan seronok dunia,
mengikat janji setia akan bersama dalam suka duka perjalanan ke syurga,
sayangnya yang ingin hadiahkan istana di syurga,
marahnya hanya kerana aku lepaskan tangannya
  ..biarkan dia bersendiri membina istana, 
bencinya dia kerana aku berkeras pergi sebentar nikmati tipu daya dunia,
rajuknya dia kerana aku terpedaya dek fitnah dunia,
menangis dia, tersedar aku dah hilang tersesat dalam arus dunia sendirian.

dia berlari, terjatuh, tergolek, luka sana dan sini..kejar aku...
jerit padaku, tentang janji dulu y mahu bina istana di syurga bersama.
tentang lupakah aku pada pemilik dunia akhirat 
  ...y sdg menunggu kami menuntut istana y sdg dibina.
teresak-esak dia, menangis melihat aku kian lemas terkapai-kapai dlm lautan dunia,
dia jerit namaku... memanggilku, tapi..aku masih x brpaling. 
dalam kecewa dia terus berharap, berbisik pada pemilik dunia akhirat,
yang aku telah terlepas dari pegangan tangannya dalam gelora dunia,
minta aku pulang sebelum tutup pintu akhirat...
kerana dia akan sentiasa menunggu di jalan menuju ke syurga..insyaALLAH..

..sekadar ilustrasi untuk tatapan bersama...^_^"~

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Liquid & Me =D

my note book =)

 dinding bilik jadi mangsa kerakusan MARKERku..
 ..bahagian dalam wallet


 ..belakang Sony W205

OK..ni mmg bukan liquid. ini nail sticker y ku tempel kt watch.. 

 aset penting aku sbg seorg pelajar akauntan di UiTM Jengka..~

by my friend sara mase aku form 5 di InSTAR.

Friday, 24 June 2011

My Favourite Lecturer..En.Sabri 8)

I sit at the back of the class.
Staring at everybody.
Sir Sabri is sitting in front of the class.
Explaining law subject, chapter 2.
Then he talks, talks and keep talking for about 2 hours.

Everyone is focusing at him.

Sometime smiling, laughing, responding at his jokes.
Which is I know…realize..
 Full of wise words..
But my eyes seems can’t stand a lot of words..coming out from that mouth..
I keep blinking my eyes..
 Luckily Zura is blocking my face away from sir…XD
..then..I left the world..sleep soundly…

‘’Ok lah.. kita berhenti setakat ini sajalah. Saya dah menyampah tengok muka awak semua. Sekian.”

                               -En. Sabri-

Dari aku yang baru je segar bugar lepas tergelak sakan ngan member2 akan lawak En. Sabri. Memang Sir the bez lahh!! hahahahahXD

Mila yang malang

Mila suke sangat MILO
Awak suke?
Sian…dulu Mila takde milo
Sbb Milo takde kat Bombay..
Nak tahu? Dulu..Mila suka hujan..
Mila tengok lecah..
Sedap….rupa macam milo..
Siankan Mila?
Kalau nasib baik..
Mila amek coklat kacau dalam air…
Mila senyum…sebab rase macam Milo…
Mila teguk sikit-sikit…
takut cepat habis…


Ade orang langgar Mila..
Habis tumpah…
Air Mila dah takde..
Takde dah..
Sedih sangat…
Mila nangis senyap-senyap…
Mila duduk…
Pandang air Milo atas jalan…
Mata mula merah…
Mila cuba tahan nangis..isk3x..isk. 
Tiba-tiba… Hujan turun..
Habis basah lencun Mila
Mila nangis dalam hujan..isk..isk2x..
Mila jerit kuat-kuat…...Arghhhhhh!!!
takde siapa dengar..

Kedeboom!! (bunyi petir)
Mila terkejut,
rupanya Mila mimpi…     
                     ..itu dulu…(suatu masa di Bombay)

 Dari aku di kelas, yang sedang duduk sebelah Mila.=)   11.30am[23/6/2011]

Mila=) sahabatku...hehe..jangan marah=p

Saturday, 18 June 2011


harini macam-macam aku buat..
seperti yang aku tahu..
yang mungkin kau juga tahu.
takut itulah, inilah.
Muka berani
tapi hati kecik macam tikus.
aku buat semua takut-takut..
aku buat berani
sorok TAKUT dalam poket..jauh-jauh kat dalam
jadi hari ini..
aku jalan sini..situ & sana
aku nak tekan kamera
ke arah itu,ini...
poket bocor...TAKUT terkeluar melopong
sudah aku terlepas
memang..aku melepas lagi..
tapi tak pe..
aku dah cuba.

p/s: BODOH!!marah hatiku kuat-kuat..!

tunangnyer disisi...sweet..=D


dari jauh...

signing 4 me..at last!!

x nampak buku...
skrang nmpak! hahahXD

n terima kasih..atas sajak-sajak yang diKONGSI...=D

thank you fika! bawa aku kat sini...=D

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Terima kasih

Aku tak tahu senyum beri bahgia...
Aku tak tahu gelak bersama
buat ku bersyukur punya mereka..
Aku tak tahu lupakan pertelingkahan seketika
mampu buat semua rasa cinta..
Aku tak tahu........
kerana baru kini ku rasa..
sebegini ceria..
Terima kasih padaMU...(^_^)'


Kadang gila..kedayusan..tak terlihat pada cermin.
Kite senyum sengih.
Bangga pada kebutaan.
Macam orang bodoh.


Aku senyum untuk seketika..kerana gembira.
Aku sedih seketika..kerana terluka.

Tapi malang, selalunya aku buta.
Kerana terlalu suka.
Aku tak nampak siapa terluka.
Aku tak tahu apa depan mata.
Kerana ini aku leka.
Kerana itu aku derita.

Sunday, 5 June 2011





sepi gila




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